Written in BmaxNG, so it’s windows only right now.
8 challenging levels to complete.

Notes from the ReadMe:
Programmed in Blitzmax NG with blide
Music composed in Dirtybits5000, a chiptune tracker written in blitzmax.
Big thanks to Bruce Henderson for creating and maintining BMax NG [https://github.com/bmx-ng].
Thanks to Qube for running the compo and syntaxbomb.com

Use the WASD keys to move the ball toward the goal in the lower right corner.
The maze contains mines that active when they are colored red. When they turn white they are safe to pass over.
Some mines change the display, sometimes it will kill and force a restart of the level.
Touching a mine will also add time to the final score.Get the fastest time!

If your having a hard time completing a level, go slow. take your time.

Let me know if you find any bugs or have any other issues/questions.